Submitting Successful Cancer Center Support Grants (P30) from the Core Perspective

National Cancer Institute – Designated Cancer Centers are critical to our nation’s cancer research effort. These cancer centers are supported via NCI P30 Cancer Center Support Grants (CCSGs). A key object of the support is centralized shared resources (cores) that provide access to technologies, services and scientific consultation that enhance scientific interaction and productivity. The P30 CCSG proposal is a complex document wherein the cores’ role in the center is a key feature in terms of a successful award. In this round table we will review the new NCI guidelines and the role of cores in cancer centers. We will also present key elements for the development of the P30 proposal as related to cores and how all these elements work together, including the cancer center administration, the program leaders, directors of the cores and the individual core directors. The round table will strive to engage the audience to hear their experiences and answer questions.